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What You Do at Home Matters

What you do at home matters

Parents play a crucial role as a child's first teacher in their formative years. What parents do at home matters - what they do leaves a big impact on children's learning throughout life. 

Children learn by doing, and they share what they understand by playing and talking. Parental engagement must be present during these foundation years to help children believe in themselves and enjoy learning new things. 

The key things parents can do to help their children learn are:

1 Play

Play with your children wholeheartedly and involve yourselves whenever you can.

Encourage them to switch off to play and explore. Your kind of play can be anything - fun languages, physical play, using things at home or creative games! 

  • What Matters At Home - Play

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  • What you do at home matters

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  • What Matters At Home - Play

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2 Talk

Talk and listen to your children every day. 

You can talk about anything under the sun - how their days went, what they're doing now, or what they see around them. It's okay if they don't talk back at first, but they will eventually.

What You Do At Home Matters - Talk

3 Learn

Children should learn with and from their parents. Present them with different opportunities for learning by involving them in everyday family activities.

  • What You Do at Home Matters - Learn

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  • What You Do at Home Matters - Learn

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While BRMC Little Lights Preschool equips our little lights with the essential foundation they need to be effective contributors to society, it won't be successful without the parents' engagement in their children's early years. 

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