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Creation C.A.R.E 2023

Creation C.A.R.E 2023 Orang Utan and Its Rainforest Friends

BRMC Little Lights Preschool is joining the 2023 Christian Preschool Alliance's initiative, Creation C.A.R.E (Children's Action to Rescue Earth) 2023 - Orang Utan and Its Rainforest Friends.

What is Creation C.A.R.E?

Creation C.A.R.E (Children’s Action to Rescue Earth) is a community project that endeavours to inspire, encourage and empower children to care for creation and the environment.

We want to teach children the importance of creation care and simple actions they can take to make a difference.

Why Creation C.A.R.E?

It is important to care for God's Creation as His people.

Through Creation C.A.R.E, we hope to cultivate in the children an appreciation for God's Creation from a young age.

Orang Utan and Its Rainforest Friends!

In conjunction with the Mandai Zoo's 50th anniversary, we would like to raise awareness about the need for conservation for animals such as the Orang Utan, whose habitats are threatened due to human activity. The Orang Utan has been the Zoo's flagship animal who has always been popular amongst the crowds since their opening!

Other rainforest friends include the two-toed sloth, the red-ruffed lemur and the pygmy hippopotamus.

Actions and Participation

The Creation Story gives children a biblical

background how it all began.

Relive how God through His command

created you and me, and every creature big

and small.

"There's a Rang-Tan in my bedroom"

This story is about how a little girl meets an orang utan who came to live in her room.

 She finds out the reason why - his home is being destroyed though deforestation to make way for new oil palm tree plantations.

The story evokes compassion and a need for championing change.

Knowing how human activity affects animals like the orang utan is not enough. We have to engage the community and those around us to educate them and champion for change! One way to do it would be to help to raise funds that contribute to the conservation of these animals.

We encourage you take on a fundraising project. Find out more here:

We will be showcasing children's artworks in a public space to spread awareness about Creation C.A.R.E.

The theme will highlighting the plight of the orang utans. The aim is to raise awareness and champion change for the topic of deforestation and the loss of habitats for rainforest animals, with a focus on the orang utan. Other rainforest animals will also be featured.

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