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Learning at home:

Inquiry through Play

learning at home: inquiry through play

Play is an essential aspect of a child’s healthy development. Through play-based learning, children develop and nurture fundamental knowledge and skills.

Children are curious and capable learners with a sense of agency, rich in potential, bringing valid skills, preferences and understandings of learning. Through play, children actively create meaning from their interactions with people and their environments. These meanings are revisited and revised in light of new experiences and further learning. 

Encourage learning through play while the children are at home during the school holidays! Here are a few inquiry through play ideas to try out at home:

Inquiry through Play - Role-play dress-up

Role-play dress-up

Put a box of clothes and shoes out and see what characters your child decides to become. Help them to make any ‘accessories’ they need from cards or paper.

Characters from recent stories you have read with your child might well pop up, or ones they have seen on the television. This can lead to a storytelling or drama session. 

Treasure sorting

Go around the home with your child and a box and ask your child to choose 15 or more objects from different rooms. As you go, hat about some of their choices and have your child sort them into groups in whatever way they want.

Inquiry through Play - Treasure Sorting
Inquiry through Play - Play I-Spy

Play "I Spy" but better

Ask prompting questions such as

"What do you notice about _____?",

"Can you spot anything different in the _____?". 

Plan a special theme night for the family

Planning a party takes a lot of planning and preparation. Decide on a theme with your child. There are a lot of tasks that can be done while your child is learning such as: writing invitations, gathering supplies, creating a snack menu, cleaning up the party areas, and becoming the photographer. 

Inquiry through Play - plan a special night for the family
Inquiry through Play - Play I-Spy

Making forts or caves

Old cardboard boxes, pillows or blankets can make a great cave or playhouse for children. They can be used to make tunnels too.

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